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Hyundai 24/7Roadside Assistance

Every new Hyundai includes free Roadside Assistance for five years. Whether you have a flat tire, locked your keys in the car, or need a jump-start, Hyundai will be there to get you back on the road as quickly as possible. Valid in all 50 states and Canada, we've got you covered 24/7.

Roadside Assistance: 800-243-7766

5-Years/Unlimited Miles Coverage

Effective from the date the vehicle is delivered to the first retail buyer, or otherwise put into service (in-service date), whichever is earlier.


Hyundai Roadside Assistance will tow your vehicle to the nearest Hyundai dealership or authorized service facility if your vehicle is inoperable, even for non-warranty-related tows, such as accidents.

Trip Interruption Assistance

In the event a warrantable mechanical disablement occurs more than 150 miles away from home and your car is disabled overnight due to a repair in process, Hyundai Roadside Assistance will reimburse you for reasonable expenses such as meals, lodging and transportation.

Enhanced Roadside Assistance

Calling for Roadside Assistance on a phone when you need it is a valuable benefit. Now, with Enhanced Roadside Assistance you can get help by simply pushing a button on your rearview mirror. And there's no need to figure out where you are, as Assurance Connected Care powered by Blue Link® will take care of that. (Enhanced Roadside Assistance is provided through Hyundai Assurance Connected Care)

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